NO PREVIOUS SINGING EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Just a LOVE for singing and a sense of adventure and Fun! As adults we need to play more and singing is part of play. Come and be ENERGIZED!
Click Here to Book
Calling all individuals who want to take their performances to the next level.
Come to these Instructional Open Mics' and develop whether you are in the audience or have the courage to be on stage. First come first serve. Reserve your spot through the link blow. $25 no tax.
Give yourself permission to develop and blossom into the singer you’ve always wanted to be. Allow me to help you become the singer you know you can be.
Click Here to Book Open Mic April 18th
Click Here to Book Open Mic May 24
Click Here to Book Open Mic June 12
Click Here to Book Open Mic July 17
FREE Confidence Booster Recital for ALL music lovers! Let music be your medicine. Come listen, be inspired and entertained by Confidence Booster Students. SING Along with the Sunset Singers choir and the All Heart Singers choir!
Time is a gift. It is also something that never slows down for us to catch up to. I spent most of my life looking back at my past, and constantly worried about my future. But now that I live mostly...
What does it take for a person to stand on stage and sing for an audience knowing that they will not sound like the original singer.
No matter who you are or what instrument you want to master, you must practice and develop one day at a time!
No one will argue that in order to make a cake you need ALL of the ingredients to make sure it holds together properly and I see Black History as a vital ingredient that must never be overlooked to en...
Practicing is something that some people have no difficulty with while others do. I was one ofthose people who had major difficulty practicing because it was not something that I did on aregular basis...
Yo-Yo Ma said “We’re not born creative or destructive. Each one of us has the ability to create or destroy, to leave the world better than we found it, or worse. I learn something not because I ha...
The benefits of practicing will always outweigh the reasons (excuses) why we cannot find the time to practice. It is amazing how there is always something more pressing than the 15-minute vocal exerc...
My Father recently passed away because he courageously decided to put an end to his battle with cancer. Before he left us, he gave me some great advice: “Roxanne, don’t be afraid, it’s a waste of ...
I have had many students who have come into my office asking me to assist them in developing their singing and or speaking voice. I am honoured to be part of seeing them shine as they progress and hit...
You always have the power to decide which way to go. What does this have to do with singing? EVERYTHING!
The bottom line in any kind of performance is can you trust yourself enough to allow yourself to let go and deliver the message of the song from the depth of your being (soul) and not allow yourself t...
Obstacle is defined as: a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress. How do you SEE obstacles? Do you see obstacles as a problem or as something put before you to assist you in your...
Canadian-made guitars, lessons, and friendly people -
Students arrive in my office having made up their minds that they want to take vocal lessons even though they are extremely terrified to stand on stage in front of an audience and sing.
As a little girl, I regularly heard the words that I could achieve the goals that were laid out before me, but I did not believe I could. I daydreamed about being a singer, but I did not think it was...
I have always felt that entertainment, because of its overwhelming potential to shape society, should be inspirational; only because music and singing does conjure up emotions in a human being that tr...
In the powerful Netflix documentary ‘Summer of Soul (…Or When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised)’, I was struck by this statement that was made approximately 50 years ago by the First Lady of S...
In order to be an amazing musician, singer, instrumentalist, performer, entertainer or whatever you choose to call yourself, you need to be honest and willing to give of yourself. If you are not willi...
When we hear ‘work with what you’ve got’ we usually think of resources, but I have decided to apply this statement to someone that is extremely important, myself.
When the singer is singing for her audience, she cannot be thinking about herself, she must focus on delivering the message of the song.
Let’s start with the most obvious question, what is an entertainer?
People are usually focused on the method that they must learn and develop if they are going to effortlessly sing. Most people understand that singing is making musical sounds with the voice,and o...
There is a lesson to be learned about performance through one of my favourite desserts, chocolate pudding. I thoroughly enjoy chocolate pudding.
You want to WOW your audience. You want your performance to be strong yet flow smoothly and influence the audience. How do you do that? Depending on who you ask you will get different answers. Peop...
I’ve heard “I’m a perfectionist and will not do anything or show anyone my work until it’s perfect,” come from so many good, well meaning, and talented people. Doesn’t this sound like a noble st...
When you wake up in the morning do you start thinking about all the things you were worried about yesterday?
People ask me to help them find their voice. When this question is asked of me, I usually respond with another question, “what do you mean by finding your voice”? I always get one of two responses...
As a vocal instructor I see the potential for singing as a healing tool to communicate your truth and for releasing emotional and physical heaviness by “letting go.”
Are YOU in Control of How You Think?
“Act is the blossom of thought. And joy and suffering are its fruit.” -James Allen (from As A Man Thinketh, published since 1903)
These 8 YES statements will assist you in releasing your true voice.
If knowing you are enough is not where you are starting from in your singing journey, then you will ALWAYS feel that you have not done enough and more importantly not recognize when you have attained ...
Most people do not know and never get the full benefits of singing because they are afraid of making mistakes.
There are those in this world who do not have a voice due to injuries or birth defects and they wish they had a voice to share their innermost feelings and ideas with.
My vocal and performance students know that they can have the confidence to stand in front of an audience and share who they are in song, because the one thing they can count on is a part of who they ...
When you make the decision to develop your voice and take private singing or group singing lessons or join a small or large choir, you will be happy you did. It will change your life.
You have a gift. A gift that you carry around with you every day. A gift that has the power to influence, debate and comfort, all while you are communicating. What I am talking about is your voice.
Since words have this amazing power, your voice (released from who you really are), is the force that brings those words to life.
I believe that love is literally the substance that coaxes us out of our shells. We need to feel safe and supported in order to allow ourselves to be vulnerable and sing in front of people.
I use life lessons to help my vocal students understand that they have the power to develop, change and perfect their voices not only by practicing the techniques they learn but ultimately by the way ...
If you want to develop character and respond instead of react when people want to give you what they call constructive criticism, take a singing class!
3 important things you need to know if you want to be a singer/performer: •You have to be willing to be vulnerable on stage • You have to have something to say • Your goal CANNOT be that you want t...
Singing...lowers stress levels: While singing you are allowing yourself to feel the emotional content that is appropriate for the song. As a result, you are releasing those emotions and stress in you...
Ted Engstrom said “The reward for those who persevere far exceeds the pain that must precede the victory”. This is a principal that I share with ALL my students. Whether they are in ...
What if you decided not to be afraid any more and try the things you’ve always wanted to try and be the person you always thought you could be. What would your life look like? How would you feel? I a...
When I was a little girl I was always afraid. I could not let myself be, say and do what I really thought for fear of being ridiculed (we all have our own sad story). As an adult I have had many yea...
Why I am thankful I am a Canadian… I can SING whenever and wherever I want to. I can RESPECT people’s differences. I am free to LIVE my fai...
Are you going to wait 50 years before you allow the music, gift, talent, ability, invention, or what ever you have buried inside of you to be shared with others who need it now?
Singing allows you to connect to your inner self. Singing helps you to release negative emotions and completely enjoy positive ones. Singing helps you to be honest with yourself. What ever is going on...
As a vocal coach I get to facilitate and then witness the magic of singing.
This is a new year full of possibilities, a fresh start.
Christmas means different things to different people. For some it means that Santa Clause will soon be here and we need to make sure that everything is in place and ready for a festive time with fami...
In order to develop unshakable confidence you have to start with totally accepting who you are RIGHT NOW!
There is so much excitement and promise when starting something; new school year, new hobby or even new relationship. We are confident and look forward to positive results when we undertake a new ...
When I made the decision to go into business I wanted to work with children. I wanted to help them understand that they should be confident about the person they are now. I wanted them to know, and h...