Confidence Booster Blog

Finding Your Voice

10 Jun, 2020 | Return|



People ask me to help them find their voice.  When this question is asked of me, I usually respond with another question, “what do you mean by finding your voice”?  I always get one of two responses: “I want to figure out who I really am” or “I want to learn how to sing better”.

These two requests seem very different from each other but work hand in hand.


The first request “I want to figure out who I really am?” will require the student to go inward.  To commit to quiet introspection, understanding and allowing who they really are to come to the surface without judgment on their part.  Accepting ALL aspects of who they really are, the good, the bad, and the ugly, while being ok with all that they see and feel, is called acceptance.  Then they have to give themselves permission to let others see them that way, and this is called being vulnerable.  The enemy of great performers is trying to hide, due to fear, in plain sight. (read Act is the Blossom of Thought, Blog)



 The second request “I want to learn how to sing properly” means using your voice by training your body to naturally know how to release your sound.  To release the message imbedded in the sound (singing or speaking) without being distorted by nerves or by any emotions.  To clearly release the sound the way you intend it to be released.  To completely connect with who you are and let the real you be released, and not the camouflaged you, or masked you, or people pleasing you.

Discovering who you really are and learning how to sing better are two entirely different functions. One is more mental and one is more physical.  But they both have to work together to fully express your voice (clear sound wave representation of who you really are).

In order to understand fully how this works, you must EXPERIENCE IT! Life has taught me that explaining a concept is just the beginning of understanding, but experiencing is the true teacher of life.

So, for those of you who would like to learn how to either sing properly or find your voice (which ultimately works together), you must first get past the nagging thought that keeps saying, “I will sing in public once I no longer feel uncomfortable”.  In order to get past that place of discomfort you just have to do it, over and over again! Stand there with that lump in your throat, shaking like a leaf and go for it.  Every great performer, had to go through this stage.



If you choose to do this, this act will be one of the most courageous things you will ever do, because you will be finally conquering your biggest adversary; yourself.  

Keep on Singing,

Roxanne Goodman

The Confidence Booster


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