Confidence Booster Blog

Your VOICE and your LIFE!

07 Oct, 2019 | Return|


Your VOICE and your LIFE!

When you make the decision to develop your voice and take private singing or group singing lessons or join a small or large choir, you will be happy you did.  It will change your life.

You will no longer be a slave to the thought that other people’s voices are better than yours because you will finally realize and believe that no one has a voice quite like you.

You will no longer compare yourself to others because according to Bill Gates when you compare yourself to others “you are insulting yourself.”

You will find a NEW side of yourself that you never knew existed because in order to sing in front of people you need to be courageous. Once you start applying that courage to singing, you will start using that courage to do other things that you thought you could never do.

You will start realizing that your perception of yourself about your singing was incorrect.  That your voice was there but you just could not get it out. And if you were wrong about your perception of singing, then what else do you have an inaccurate perception of yourself about?

You will start expressing yourself at work, at home in everyday situations more passionately, because you will feel that you CAN be heard.  And you won’t have to shout or yell.

These are just a few of the important abilities you can discover you already have and can further develop when you take singing lessons.  When you STOP saying…

“I’ve always wanted to sing but I just can’t”

and then make that decision to do something about it, you will discover you have always had a voice; and then you’ll really know how to use it!

Roxanne Goodman
The Confidence Booster


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