Confidence Booster Blog

The Best Gift You Could Ever Give Is YOURSELF!

24 Dec, 2017 | Return|

What if you decided not to be afraid any more and try the things you’ve always wanted to try and be the person you always thought you could be. What would your life look like? How would you feel?


I asked myself these questions 10 years ago and my life now is dramatically different than what and how it use to be.


I am not just talking about the material things that can be purchased, replaced and discarded, I am talking about the things that last like patience, joy, strength, peace, integrity, wisdom but most of all LOVE.


As a vocal instructor, when I teach my students that the most important thing in singing is to relax the whole body, I mean it. If you are tense the sound will be hindered by the fact that you are sharing the energy to release that beautiful sound and music dwelling within you with doubt and fear. It will not come out purely and completely. You have to let go.


In the same respect love is the key to life. As you walk on this earth, a loved being who loves him or herself fully and understands that mistakes will only be made for the purpose of learning and developing, and not let guilt have a chance to solidify in any way, will live full, productive and satisfying days, no matter what comes your way.


I have chosen to accept the love of God, love of family and friends to fill me up, but I also know how important it is to accept and love myself.


I would like to challenge you to make 2018 a year that you allow yourself to be fully accepting of who you truly are, so you can fully become completely you, and get on with your life!


You are the key to opening the door. You are the key to how far you want to go in your life. Find the way that is right for YOU, and LIVE!  Because the best gift you can give to the world, is yourself!


Take care,
Roxanne Goodman




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