Confidence Booster Blog

Love Yourself!

04 Aug, 2017 | Return|

When I was a little girl I was always afraid.  I could not let myself be, say and do what I really thought for fear of being ridiculed (we all have our own sad story).  As an adult I have had many years of experience and training  (as well as therapy) that has brought me to a place where I believe it is extremely important to be yourself if you are going to experience any kind of happiness in your life.


Part of my life mission is to make sure children know that they should start  celebrating, developing, and enjoying who they are right now. I want to help them see they can live this way and not wait until they are in their 40’s to start discovering who they really are.


In my life and through my work, I have been introduced to wonderful people who have talent and great potential, but because they have low self-esteem and a lack of self-confidence, they go through life feeling they will never measure up and are not worthy of happiness.  This is why through all of the programs I’ve developed, I REMIND people how wonderful they really are! 


I have offered the Confidence Booster Camp for Girls now for the last three years and I am always amazed at the parents reaction on the last day of camp when they see their little girl confidently singing and dancing and expressing herself so freely.


The key to this result is self-confidence which comes from accepting and loving yourself or like Lilly Singh says it… 

“Love who you are, embrace who you are. Love yourself. When you love yourself, people can kind of pick up on that: they can see confidence, they can see self-esteem, and naturally, people gravitate towards you.” 


I choose to live open rather than closed.  I choose to be positive rather than negative.  I choose to be an optimist rather than a pessimist. I choose to be the solution rather than the problem.  I would rather feel the fear and do it anyways! I have chosen to live my life ALWAYS in hope, and I believe that my best days are yet to come.


Sometimes in life we get to a place where we think things will not get better, but this is not true. Napoleon Hill said…

“Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed for an equal or greater benefit.”

Life teaches us  that things, experiences and people, change constantly, so I am encouraging you to accept and love the one person that you will ALWAYS be with, the person you will not ever be able to get away from, the person who you must be mindful of and nurture, and the person who has the ability and potential to make a difference in this world; YOU!


Roxanne Goodman
The Confidence Booster


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