Confidence Booster Blog

To Sing or Not to Sing?

10 Jun, 2022 | Return|

To Sing or Not to Sing?
Students arrive in my office having made up their minds that they want to take vocal lessons even though they are extremely terrified to stand on stage in front of an audience and sing. 
I always say it takes courage to stand on stage and share who you are with the audience because that is exactly what you are doing when you choose to sing for others.
In all the years that I have been teaching, I have never witnessed someone make the decision to find their voice and not do so; the student always discovers this rich full sound that they have the ability to make.
The student always comes to the lesson looking to find their voice, but the truth is that all they have to do is allow themselves or give themselves permission to BE. Once the student stops fighting with him/herself, everything changes and the real work of dealing with the technical aspects of singing can begin.


The student needs to understand that while developing their voice and performance skills, they must be willing to accept whatever they produce in terms of sound in order to perfect it. 
If they hold back and do not release the sound, then they will not have anything to work from to make a clear, full, and smooth sound.
Some of the habits that keep someone from singing properly, not having enough breath, being stiff and extremely nervous, and trying to push the sound out, are behaviours that stem from the negative internal dialogue that is taking place inside the student. And these thoughts can only be dealt with from acceptance, focus, and practice.
So, when you are faced with the thought of “to sing or not to sing”, go ahead and sing. Know that the more you sing, the better you will get and the people who you sing for will be thankful that you are able to share not only your song but who you really are with them.

Keep on Singing,
Roxanne Goodman
The Confidence Booster




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