Confidence Booster Blog

You Are The Vehicle

21 Dec, 2021 | Return|

In order to be an amazing musician, singer, instrumentalist, performer, entertainer or whatever you choose to call yourself, you need to be honest and willing to give of yourself. If you are not willing to be honest and give of yourself then what you share with your audience will be based only on wanting them to like what you are doing, and that is NOT entertainment.
My understanding of being an entertainer is based on having something to leave the audience. A sense of satisfaction and fulfillment can only be experienced by the audience if the entertainer has something to give them.  That something should always be YOU.


You are the vehicle through which the message of the song is conveyed by way of your emotions, facial expressions, body language and technique (no matter what your instrument is).  You are the gift that you unapologetically share with the audience.  You are the point of contact that assists the audience in feeling the message of the song.

Entertainers of the world, PLEASE be honest with yourselves and share who you are with your audiences.  They want to see you.  They want to hear you.  But most of all, they really want to feel.  Allow yourself to sing, play, perform, entertain from the depth of your soul, and we can help our audiences experience the words of Bob Marley who said “one good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain”.



Keep on singing,

Roxanne Goodman 

The Confidence Booster




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