Confidence Booster Blog

Your Voice and Hitting Your Mark

16 Aug, 2019 | Return|


"Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words to despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble."
-Yehuda Berg

Since words have this amazing power, your voice (released from who you really are), is the force that brings those words to life.  When words are filled with emotion through passion and conviction, then those words will meet their mark, hit the bull’s eye and attain the goal!  But out of control nerves, because of uncertainty and lack of confidence, can hinder the meaning of the words you are trying to communicate!

Lesson #8

Take for example an animal character balloon.  



See the balloon itself as the actual words and see the air going into the balloon as your voice.  If you over do and blow too much air you will distort the shape of the balloon.

If you hold back and don’t blow enough air, then its shape will not fully be clear. 



When communicating through singing or speaking, hitting the bull’s eye is achieved when your body is relaxed so that you can sing properly from a technical and emotional point of view.  You can ALREADY do this since you sing effortlessly when you know no one is watching.



You can attain this level of singing by systematically practicing specific exercises, and one of the best ways to develop is by singing in a group.


To develop your communication skills for singing and or speaking, and work your way OUT of your comfort zone while having fun, feel free to join one of the Group Performance Workshops  confidencebooster.ca/Voice-Lessons .


Take care,

Roxanne Goodman


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