Confidence Booster Blog

Singing and Brussel Sprouts!

03 Jun, 2019 | Return|

1.  Be willing to be vulnerable on stage or another way to say it is, 
be willing to let people SEE YOU. This is always interesting because most of the time we
only show people what we want them to see about who we are. But when it comes to
singing and performing, in order to touch your audience, you need to be REAL! Singing is
not just acting like you feel, you need to really feel the song you are singing and manage
the technical aspect of singing while you are allowing yourself to feel
or emote. This is a skill that can be developed.

 2. You have to have something to say. You need to know that before or after you sing a
song you need to talk to your audience. You need to (as comfortably as you can) share
how you feel or the history or some aspect of the song. The audience needs to know
how you feel about what you are going to share in song with them. It is not ever enough
just to sing, you need to talk too.

 3. Your goal cannot be that you want the audience to like you. You need to understand
why you are singing and performing. If it is because you want the audience to like you,
you are in the wrong business because at least one person who listening to you will
NOT like what you are doing at all. And that is ok because we all have different style and that we like.
Let me give you an example: I don’t like brussels
sprouts, not because I have anything against brussels sprouts, I just don’t like the way
they taste no matter how they are cooked. I am not prejudice against brussels sprouts, I
just don’t like them. It is the same with when you perform and someone does not like
how you interpret the song or how you sound. You don’t have to run after them and
try to make them like you. As long as YOU know that you are doing your best and
learning from your mistakes, this is fine. There are people who will love what you do.
Sing from your heart and know that the more you allow yourself to practice your technique,
allow yourself to be vulnerable (be seen), and share how you feel on stage about what you are
singing, you WILL develop the ability to sing and perform wonderfully as you touch your


Keep on singing,

Roxanne Goodman
The Confidence Booster









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