Confidence Booster Blog

Your Voice and Pumpkins in a Jug!

04 Jul, 2019 | Return|


I use life lessons to help my vocal students understand that they have the power to develop, change and perfect their voices not only by practicing the techniques they learn but ultimately by the way they think.  This is where everything starts, in your thinking. You can have the most amazing quality of tone in your voice and amazing control, but if YOU don’t think so, you will never allow yourself to share that voice with anyone. Growth always starts in your mind.


I heard Earl Nightingale tell a story about a farmer who planted a pumpkin in a jug, and the pumpkin grew to fit the exact size and shape of that jug; and could not grow any further.  Pumpkins have the ability to grown to sizes that would stagger the mind, but this particular pumpkin, in the jug, could only grow so far.


Now let us think about this in terms of singing.  Most people feel they cannot sing. But this way of thinking has to do with comparing themselves with other singers they deem as professionals.  We ALL have the ability to develop and grow but when it comes to singing we are sometimes not willing to open up ourselves and develop, we feel that we can only go so far, like the pumpkin in the jug.


Barkley McMillan a voice movement therapy specialist says that “unfortunately we leave singing to the professionals, but we should not because we ALL have the ability to sing.” We can ALL make a wonderful sound and let it go into this crazy world.


Are you limiting yourself by the thoughts you allow to run through your mind when it comes to singing?  Are you hesitating because you don’t want to make mistakes? Are you holding back your interpretation of a song because you think someone else’s is better than yours?  Are you growing to fit your limited expectations?


What would you sound like if you used your imagination, raised your expectations and ‘broke the jug’ that you’ve allowed yourself to grow into.


Richard M. DeVos said “Life… tends to respond to our outlook, to shape itself to meet our expectations.”  You only need to ask yourself one question today, “Do I want to stay where I am or do I want to grow? In order to get better at singing, you have to go ahead and SING!


It is up to you!

Roxanne Goodman

The Confidence Booster


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