Confidence Booster Blog

The Struggle Makes You Stronger!

06 Sep, 2016 | Return|

There is so much excitement and promise when starting something; new school year, new hobby or even new relationship. We are confident and look forward to positive results when we undertake a new venture and look forward to a happy ending.   But we misplace our confidence when we are miserable, uncomfortable and irritated because things don’t fall into place as we feel they should.

When disillusioned or disappointed we often want to pause, stop or just quit. But I would suggest to you that the difficulty, somewhere in the middle of the journey, is necessary to strengthen you to first continue, and second see if you really, really want this.

The butterfly must struggle to get out of its cocoon and this makes it STRONGER


The chick must struggle to work its way out of the egg and this action is what makes it STRONGER!

Growing plant

The seed  planted into the ground must fight through the earth to finally make its way to the surface and this action makes it STRONGER!

In all of these examples, there is no resting, or waiting, there is only movement; no matter how slow.  While you are working hard to move forward this year, keep your confidence, and know that like the butterfly, the chick and the seed, you are developing and getting stronger. And if you don’t quit, you too will attain your goals, successfully complete your tasks and discover hidden treasures within yourself.


“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” 
     -Muhammad Ali


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