Confidence Booster Blog

Practicing Through Scary Times

01 Nov, 2023 | Return|


Yo-Yo Ma said “We’re not born creative or destructive.  Each one of us has the ability to create or destroy, to leave the world better than we found it, or worse.  I learn something not because I have to, but because I really want to.  That’s the same view I have for performing.”

There is always so much to do when attending university, especially for the first-year students.  They are thrown into a whirlwind of scheduled activity that they are not use to and have this interesting mindset that they must promptly master everything and not make mistakes.  They get very upset with themselves and always feel they are lagging behind.  

If you cannot see yourself in what you have just read you are in the 10% category of university students who can go with the flow and stay on top of everything.  The rest of us are part of the 90% that feel overwhelmed when it comes to completing multiple assignments, prepping for tests and practicing the instrument.  

We tend to feel that we may never get everything done and that is why most of the students who drop out of university drop out in the first semester.  So, if you are reading this and you are in your second semester, congratulations, you are well on your way.

Yo-You Ma’s experience is oh so valuable especially for the student who feels that they have to perfectly finish their assignments, prepare for class, practice the instrument and also prepare for the dreaded recital.  You don’t have to do anything, you are here because you WANT to learn. 

  • You decided you wanted to develop and here you are (you were accepted by the university)

  • You are developing even though you may feel overwhelmed (stress is a very real thing but you are working through it)

  • You are developing even though you did not get your assignment correct (you did not understand the assignment and now you know what to work on)

  • You are developing even though you hit those wrong notes during your recital (you did not let your nerves stop you from performing and now are a little closer to mastering your emotions on stage) 

As long as you don’t give up, you will continue to develop and continue to find your pace. There are so many good people in this world who are waiting to assist and listen so you can move forward and continue to develop. (Carleton University counseling department 613 520-6674)

What you are choosing to develop the world needs more of as the world these days can be a scary place. Yes, the goal is solid and yes you want to be a successful musician, but try your best to remember that when it comes to music, we never stop learning.

It is important to adopt Yo-Yo Ma’s experience.  We need to see that we have set in motion this journey we are on and no matter what it may feel like, we don’t have to, we want to.

Keep on singing,

Roxanne Goodman

The Confidence Booster


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