Confidence Booster Blog

You're Worth It!

02 Jun, 2016 | Return|

When I made the decision to go into business I wanted to work with children. I wanted to help them understand that they should be confident about the person they are now.  I wanted them to know, and have no doubt that they matter, they are significant and that they too have something to contribute.

Unfortunately, not all children feel that way and are not nurtured in an environment where these characteristics are fostered.  Children have to deal with peer pressure, and all kinds of abuse that ultimately leave them feeling doubtful, self conscious and afraid to venture out and be themselves.


My goal in developing Confidence Booster Inc. was to assist little girls and boys in developing confidence in themselves; especially since we humans learn through trial and error.

When I opened for business, most of my clients were adults.

I was puzzled at first because it seemed like I was not getting the clientele that I felt I was suited for, but like my business consultant told me, “You have to work with what you’ve been given”, so I did. I discovered that when working with adults I am actually working with the little girl or little boy that was once told that he or she could not sing, dance, read, do math, draw, or play with the others (feel free to fill in what ever you were told you could not do well; we all have something). As a result of this kind of labeling, the child starts to doubt him/herself in other areas.

The mind forms negative conclusions and we are left believing lies about how we are not good enough and this is a lie that we carry into our adult life. We make decisions based on this faulty conclusion and are disappointed with the results of the choices we make.

The truth is that we are ALL significant, valuable and worthy of love.

But when we do not feel that way about our self, we deprive the people in our lives of the beauty and wonder of who we really are.


“By affirming your own gifts and accomplishments, you build your confidence and increase your ability to build a brighter future.”
           -Debbie Ford

Yes, you are intelligent! Yes, you are significant! Yes, you are beautiful/handsome just the way you are!  So go ahead and have confidence in yourself because… you’re worth it!


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