Confidence Booster Blog

Yes You Can!

04 May, 2018 | Return|

Ted Engstrom said “The reward for those who persevere far exceeds the pain that must precede the victory”. This is a principal that I share with ALL my students.  Whether they are in my Confidence Booster Group Singing and Performance Classes, Carleton University students, Choirs that I work with or private students, it is a fact that you must persevere no matter what, if you are going to attain the victory.

“To sing and or speak in front of an audience and not allow nerves to sabotage your performance so you can clearly convey the message, is the goal.”  -Roxanne Goodman

  • It takes COURAGE, in spite of how you feel, to still push through and know that sometimes all you have to go on is your instructor’s word that you are improving because, at the beginning, you yourself cannot hear or see your progress.
  • It takes COURAGE to sing in front of people when you feel you don’t yet have a great voice.
  • It takes COURAGE to make the decision to not let fear stop you from moving forward.

I have students who have showed up at Open Mics around the city with their charts or sheet music in hand and said to the bandleaders, I want to sing. At first they felt terrified and had to make their way through the incessant chatter that went on in their minds that was trying to talk them out of their mission of over coming their fear by singing in front of an audience. But they did not allow that to stop them. They did it!

Now those very students are showing up at these Open Mics and are being asked enthusiastically by the bandleaders, “are you singing tonight?”

It is not enough to say you want to do something; you have to make that commitment to yourself to follow through.

I am proud of ALL of my students and today there is one who confirmed my expectations and his name is Isaiah Griffith (who is know by this stage name as Melo).  He is graduating from Carleton University with a Bachelors of Fine Arts with a Major in Music and a Minor in Business.

Some people thought he wouldn’t make it. There were times when discouragement tried to overtake him, but he pushed on. It is always important to have people in your corner like your Mom, your close family,  good friends and your vocal instructor telling you YES YOU CAN!  This May, he will be performing in his grad recital. A major accomplishment for a young man who aspires to be a rapper, singer, performer and leader in his community.

I have helped countless students understand that they can be confident in the midst of their development and not wait until they’ve accomplished their goal; and I can help YOU too. Earl Nightingale said that “success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.” Success is not a destination, it is a journey.

No matter what YOUR goals are in life, first make the DECISION to move forward by counting the cost, making a plan, and then executing it. Find someone who you can be accountable to and get the support you need. You can do what ever you set your mind to.

Yes You Can!

Take care,
Roxanne Goodman


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