Confidence Booster Blog

Dec 01, 2020

Chocolate Pudding Anyone?

01 Dec, 2020 |
There is a lesson to be learned about performance through one of my favourite desserts, chocolate pudding. I thoroughly enjoy chocolate pudding.
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Nov 12, 2020

You’ve Got the Power!

12 Nov, 2020 |
You want to WOW your audience. You want your performance to be strong yet flow smoothly and influence the audience. How do you do that? Depending on who you ask you will get different answers. People say things like, “You have to be talented”, “You have to be skillful” or, “You have to be disciplined.” All of these answers are noble but not always true and need clarification.
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Oct 01, 2020


01 Oct, 2020 |
I’ve heard “I’m a perfectionist and will not do anything or show anyone my work until it’s perfect,” come from so many good, well meaning, and talented people. Doesn’t this sound like a noble statement?
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Aug 06, 2020
When you wake up in the morning do you start thinking about all the things you were worried about yesterday?
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Jun 10, 2020

Finding Your Voice

10 Jun, 2020 |
People ask me to help them find their voice. When this question is asked of me, I usually respond with another question, “what do you mean by finding your voice”? I always get one of two responses: “I want to figure out who I really am” or “I want to learn how to sing better”.
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May 01, 2020

Singing for Healing!

01 May, 2020 |
As a vocal instructor I see the potential for singing as a healing tool to communicate your truth and for releasing emotional and physical heaviness by “letting go.”
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Apr 03, 2020

A Blog for the Times!

03 Apr, 2020 |
Are YOU in Control of How You Think?
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Mar 13, 2020
“Act is the blossom of thought. And joy and suffering are its fruit.” -James Allen (from As A Man Thinketh, published since 1903)
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Feb 24, 2020


24 Feb, 2020 |
These 8 YES statements will assist you in releasing your true voice.
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Jan 31, 2020

Yes, I am enough.

31 Jan, 2020 |
If knowing you are enough is not where you are starting from in your singing journey, then you will ALWAYS feel that you have not done enough and more importantly not recognize when you have attained your goal.  
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