Confidence Booster Blog

You’ve Got WINGS!

31 Oct, 2019 | Return|
“Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her, still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings.”
       -Victor Hugo
This quote contains a powerful life lesson.  The branch represents the circumstances in life that are always changing. We do not always have complete control over our circumstances, but we do have control over ourselves.
We can choose to put our faith in and develop our strength from God, the Universe, Buddha, Islam, whomever or whatever we decide to follow, but ultimately, we have to exercise or “live out” that strength.
In this quote the bird continues to sing because she knows that no matter what happens with the branch, she can depend on something that is part of who she is.  She does not have to worry and stop what she is doing even though her circumstances are not always pleasant, she can continue to sing as she knows that she is going to be alright.
My vocal and performance students know that they can have the confidence to stand in front of an audience and share who they are in song, because the one thing they can count on is a part of who they are.  They have developed the vocal technique and already have the emotional content to confidently release the songs they have chosen to sing.
Every human being on this earth can identify with this quote by Victor Hugo.  We ALL can have the confidence to know that we can rely on ourselves as we navigate through life no matter what the circumstances.  Remember that you are the bird, perched on the frail branch, but YOU have wings!
Roxanne Goodman
The Confidence Booster


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