Confidence Booster Blog

Let’s Celebrate!

14 Mar, 2022 | Return|

Let’s Celebrate!

I have always felt that entertainment, because of its overwhelming potential to shape society, should be inspirational; only because music and singing does conjure up emotions in a human being that triggers memories.  

Grunge, at least for me, elevates my energy into frenzied heights when I listen to it.  Who can stand in one place while listening to Nirvana perform Smells Like Teen Spirit.

Jimi Hendrix said “Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel. 

B.B King said “it angers me how scholars associate the blues strictly with tragedy” and that “as a little kid, blues meant hope, excitement, pure emotion. Blues were about feelings. They seem to bring out the feelings of the artist and they brought out my feelings as a kid. They made me wanna move, or sing, or pick up Reverend's guitar and figure out how to make those wonderful sounds.” 

I see music, no matter what genre as inspirational.  This is the kind of performer I am.  I want people to leave my shows better off than when they came.  At a Roxanne Goodman show, I want audiences to be inspired by something they heard, saw and felt, that changes them internally.

Gospel music literally means ‘good news’.  For me God and Love are the same. So, I can sing Lean on Me or We All Create Harmony (never say Jesus, Holy Spirit or God) and it touches audiences’ hearts because love flows through peopled.  I could sing No Longer a Slave which is a contemporary Christian song and a professed atheist could experience it and be moved to tears because love flows through people.

The pandemic has taken so much away from me, family members, income, the ability to freely hug people and go out to enjoy live music and dance.  As well as insecurity, self-doubt and the need to fit in.  As a musician I am obligated to keep myself free of things that will hinder my expression.  If I am unable to be truly myself in my daily life, then how can I perform from a sincere and authentic place on stage?

For April 16th, I have orchestrated a show with exceptional musicians and singers that will whole heartedly assist you in celebrating the fact that even now, WE ARE STILL STANDING!   Come join me and let’s celebrate like little children do, from the depth of their soul!  I am a musician who whole heartedly agrees with Carlos Santana’s quote that, “the most valuable possession you can own is an open heart.   The most powerful weapon you can BE is an instrument of PEACE.”  

Keep on singing,
Roxanne Goodman 
The Confidence Booster

 “All You Need Is LOVE” the show
April 16th at 7pm
Studio Theatre Perth, Perth On.


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